Tuesday, July 31, 2007

TOD: New terms in Testing

Tuning Cycle Tests
A series of test cycles can be executed with a primary purpose of identifying tuning opportunities. Tests can be refined and re-targeted 'on the fly' to allow technology support staff to make configuration changes so that the impact of those changes can be immediately measured.

Soak Tests (a.k.a. Endurance Testing)
Soak testing is running a system at high levels of load for prolonged periods of time. A soak test would normally execute several times more transactions in an entire day (or night) than would be expected in a busy day, to identify and performance problems that appear after a large number of transactions have been executed. Also, due to memory leaks and other defects, it is possible that a system may ‘stop’ working after a certain number of transactions have been processed. It is important to identify such situations in a test environment.

Thick Client Application Tests
A Thick Client (also referred to as a fat client) is a purpose built piece of software that has been developed to work as a client with a server. It often has substantial business logic embedded within it, beyond the simple validation that is able to be achieved through a web browser. A thick client is often able to be very efficient with the amount of data that is transferred between it and its server, but is also often sensitive to any poor communications links. Testing tools such as WinRunner are able to be used to drive a Thick Client, so that response time can be measured under a variety of circumstances within a testing regime.

Developing a load test based on thick client activity usually requires significantly more effort for the coding stage of testing, as VUGen must be used to simulate the protocol between the client and the server. That protocol may be database connection based, COM/DCOM based, a proprietary communications protocol or even a combination of protocols.

Thin Client Application Tests

An internet browser that is used to run an application is said to be a thin client. But even thin clients can consume substantial amounts of CPU time on the computer that they are running on. This is particularly the case with complex web pages that utilize many recently introduced features to liven up a web page. Rendering a page after hitting a SUBMIT button may take several seconds even though the server may have responded to the request in less than one second. Testing tools such as WinRunner are able to be used to drive a Thin Client, so that response time can be measured from a users perspective, rather than from a protocol level.

source of information : http://loadtest.com.au/types_of_tests.htm

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