Monday, July 02, 2007

Defect Tracking Process

Defect Tracking System

We use bugzilla for reporting and keeping a track of bugs. Any deviation from the expected results in the test cases is nominated as a bug and reported to the bugzilla but not limited to. Design, Usability etc need to be reported too. The Defect Tracking Systems allows individual or groups of developers
to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively. Bugs found after the product release, Change Requests also need to reported to the system.

A Bug's life Cycle

The QA department is responsible for Administartion of Defect Tracking System. You need to request bugzilla admin if you have any problem in using system.

Limited access will be given to everybody to report bugs that they encounter. It's not only the software tester who reports bugs to the system. It is highly encouraged following to report the bugs they found.

* Software Developers
* Technical Writers
* Markertiers
* Project Managers

Closing bugs remains a responsibility of assigned QA Engineer after verification.

All change requests, Feature requests, Customer Test bugs should be reported to the system.

Setting the Priority
This field describes the importance and order in which a bug should be fixed. This field is utilized by the Engineering project leader to prioritize their work to be done.

The available priorities range from immediate,high,normal,low and new release.

This cannot be set when a bug is created. Project leader keep the responsibility of setting the priority.

Summary Codes

Following are the set of predefined Codes that can be used in the summary field of a bug report. These will increase bug searching and bug categorization.

* UATF : User Acceptance Test failure
* CR : Change Request - Originated by customer - Modifications in the existing system
* CC : Code Change - a placeholder for developers to make sure new features get implemented
* FR : Feature Request - Originated by customer - New feature will be added to the system
* CRB : Customer Reported Bugs
* RTF : Regression Test Failure
* RFE : Request for enhancements
* BBL : Before Base lining (Bugs reported before QA release).When the build is still in development.
* COB : Closing the bugs which are older than 12 months or from inactive projects.
* PRD : Bugs related to Project Requirement Documents
* AGD : Bugs related to Admin Guide
* IGD : Bugs related to Installation Guide
* UGD : Bugs related to User Guide
* IMD : Bugs found during software Implementation
* COD : Common Defects
* NR : Not Reproducible

Training on Defects Tracking System
A QA team member would conduct trainig on Bug Tracking System for every new comer. Please do not hesitate to contact QA if you need any assistance in using bugzilla.

Bugzilla Accounts
Bugzilla user accounts could be self created if you have an email address.

Create Account
Please contact QA if you have any problem in creating an account.

When you fix a bug (For Development Engineering)
When you fix a bug in a piece of software you need to change the status of the bug in the bugzilla to Resolved Fixed and add your comments.

The comments need to contain following

1. Which build the bug fix will be available in.
2. A brief description of what was done to fix the bug and the new behavior, e.g. * "The file processor     now ignores files with an invalid extension. As a result these files are left in the 'incoming' directory. The processor now logs a warning message when such a file is encountered and no longer throws an SNMP trap."
3. It would also be helpful if you mentioned any suggestions you have for QA to test the fix.

Bugzilla Administration
Defect tracking system should be monitored frequently to ensure that system is effectively used by the team. An administrator is nominated to ensure this.

Nomination of an administrator
QA lead should nominate an administrator from QA department. The candidate should be familiar with the system and able to handle this task along with testing tasks.

The defect tracking system is available and effectively used by all users. The admin account should not be shared with anybody else.



* Create new accounts
* Disable accounts when a person leaves a company
* Create projects and assign to relevant users.
* Close unattended defects older than 1 year or of closed projects.

Mandatory components
Following is a list of components for and every bugzilla project in addition to project specific components (modules etc)

* Mandatory components of a bugzilla project

o Usability - (eg: Flow is not consistent, Error messages are not descriptive, GUI is noisy, easiness, copyright is incorrect etc.)
o Installation and Configuration - (eg: Compilation errors etc.)
o Technical Documentation - (eg: Latest version is not available, Requirement is missing etc. in SRS, PRD, FS, IGD, SOW etc.)
o Non Technical Documentation - (eg: Bugs appeared in User Guides, Admin Guide etc.)
o Unit Test - (eg: Unit test failures etc.)
o Security - (eg: PIN/Password and other sensitive data are in logs, database, sensitive data transfer is    not encrypted, passowrd is not masked, sensitive data is cached in phones/browser etc.)
o Process nonconfirmance - (eg: PRD, FS is not available, Unit tests are not available etc.)
o Performance - (eg: Response time is not acceptable, Process takes significant time etc.)
o Review - (eg: Design review, code review, DB review, SRS, PRD, SOW, FS are occurred or not)
o Testability - (eg: If the tools are not supporting to continue the testing etc.)
o Other - (eg: Common bugs will appear here.)


* Monitor defect reported by new comers
* Check unattended defects and take necessary actions
* Check if RESOLVED LATER defects are attended.


* Prepare/ Update Training material
* Identify training needs. (For new comers, refresh training etc)
* Schedule training
* Conduct training (or assign someone who is capable)

Disaster Recovery

* Check if regular back up is taken by system administration team
* Check if software needed for recovery is available and location is documented
* Recovery procedure is documented and hard copy is maintained
* Test backup recovery every two months with the help of System Admin team


* version upgrade
* Third party reporting tools
* Customizing UIs


* Bugzilla Guide :

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