Friday, July 06, 2007

Effective Defect Report

Today’s tip focuses on ‘’Effective Defect Report” and I hope this may
helped you all to come up with an effective defect report.

Defect reports are among the most important deliverables to come out of
test and they are as important as the test plan and will have more impact
on quality of the product than most other deliverables from test. So It is
worth to learn how to write effective defect report.

As I have noticed, the effective defect report will mainly help to,

*Reduce the no of defects returned from the development
*Improve the speed of getting defect fixes
*Improve the creditability of test
*Enhance the teamwork between test & development.

Also there are more than these.

As QA people our objective should be not to write the perfect defect
report but to write an effective defect report that conveys the proper
message to gets the job done & simplifies the process for every one.

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