Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Internal Quality Audits

Objective of Internal Audits
Verify that the work being performed is in accordance with QMS and effectiveness and suitability of QMS, to make sure it gives the organisation the maximum benifits. And it should ensure the continuing suitability.

Selecting an Auditor
An auditor should be formally appointed to conduct the audit to ensure the people being audited are aware that he/she has right to question and investigate. Auditor MUST be independent and must not have direct responsibility over the work being audited.

Attitude of an Auditor
Auditors are expected to Audit the processes not the people involve genuinely.

Type Of Audits

* External Audits
* Internal Audits

External Assessors have the responsibility if the system is confirmed to ISO 9001.

Documents used to support internal Audits

* Checklist to assist auditing
* Forms to record audit findings
* Process documents & tools

Internal Audit Plan
Audit Scheduling is a responsibility of MR. The schedule is recorded in Internal Audit Plan. One full Audit of the QMS should be perfromed each year.

Note: Audits in addition to those scheduled shall be performed as deemed necessay. Finding issues earlier the better.

Very Important Projects should be audited early before they have a chance to head in the wrong direction, and late when shortcuts start to happen

Training Auditors

* Internal Training
* External Training
* On-the-job training

Auditors need to be trained on their roles and expectations.

How to be a good Auditor?

* Do Audits as planned
* Do Adhoc audits frequently
* Help guys to "Make their lives" easier.
* Auditors are expected to maintain a genuine attitude towards people in line with the corporate culture.

Internal Audits should add value , not increase costs.


* Conduct the Audit
* Raise CARs
1. Major (Significant nonconfirmance requiring major corrective action)
2. Minor (Minor nonconfirmance that can be readily corrected)
* Follow up
* Prepare Summary Report

Initiating an Audit
Project leader/ Process owner shall be informed in advance about the Audit data/time in case of a Direct Audit where audit takes place with a one to one interview with the process owner.

Before an Audit

* Review previous audits relevant to one being conducted
* Review the requirement of QMS
* Prepare a Plan for the Audit

During an Audit

* Identify nonconfirmances
* Suggest areas that can be improved
* Share best practices from industry and our projects
* Show guys that you are helping them to make their life easier

Note: The auditee is responsible for determining and initiating the action needed to correct nonconfirmances and to correct the root causes of nonconfirmances.

After an Audit

* Prepare a written Audit Report
* A copy of summary of Audit Report should be available for next MR

Audit the Audit Process
Audit process itself is audit (Audit the Auditors)

Be Careful
Auditing means adding value, not picking on every little detail

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