Sunday, April 29, 2007

How to file a great bug report

Given below are the steps to file a great bug

When writing bug reports include the exact
cause of the bug. If you can't find the
exact cause isolate the bug to a certain
area so that the developer can focus his
attention on that area to fix the bug.

The quicker the engineer can isolate the
bug to a specific area the more likely
he/she will expediently fix it.

1)Use bug titles that fully capture the
essence of the bug. Further it should
provide enough information to
differentiate it from other bugs.

2)Use clear and minimal reproducable

3)Avoid jargon or terms that may be
difficult to understand by others.
Make sure developers can easily
understand what the bug report is.
So the developers can save time in
resolving it

4)Use attachments which are extremely
Because picture is worth more than
1000 words.

Tips for writing effective bug reports -

We should read latest documentation
thoroughly. Documentation contains
what we can do with the program.
If it turns out that program does
something different from what the
documentation says that is a bug.

But be careful to distinguish
actual bugs from misbehavior that
happens due to a fault with your
testing environment.

For example if the program fails
because of disk is full that
should not be reported as a bug.
Because that should be fixed
by yourself.

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