Saturday, December 30, 2017

Tips and Hints for the Next Generation Tester

Topic Abstract

Today, a software tester is playing an important role in product delivery and also in product quality. Various testing methods and techniques are adapted to offer a product / project quality. Many of the tools available are used by the testers to achieve this objective and also ease the life of a software tester.

The role of software tester has now changed. This is not the traditional "Software Tester" what you thought. If you want to be on the edge of your company's software testing hierarchy then being only a software tester who creates test cases and run them will never make an experienced person to grow further. The first step to be taken to go away from the traditional tests is you should not be addicted only for the test cases. Write test cases and execute, but go little further. People today go beyond. They think out of box. Once you start exploring more then you become a more successful tester. Ask yourself "Apart from the written test cases, how you can go wrong." Go beyond this level of testing. You need to look at the dark side of the application where testing was not done by testing scripts. The person who digs into these areas and discovers errors is the real tester. Testing will be a psychological phenomenon. 

Testers think differently, but most of us adhere to the traditional set of rules of evidence and rules issued in the testing industry. If we tried to test a login screen then all will stick into a traditional set of test scenarios. We have to go beyond what they always say. Sad story is most do not do it but if that barrier is broken. You are the next generation tester... You are the person who goes beyond where no one had imagined.

This can be considered as an advise on what will be demanded by the next generation Software Tester and furthermore, think beyond and look at the areas where we can streamline our test processors. Think beyond its limits, the technology is available around you. It is the skill needed to develop to take these building blocks and build a solution.

A mind map of common bugs in mobile applications created by myself....

JSON Formatter & Validator

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Achieving speed and quality in release management with CI and CD and the Business value of Agile TDD in the Digital World

I did these two speeches ->>
09:15AM – 10:00AM – 1st Speech and 11:15AM – 12:00PM – 3rd Speech

I did a demo also with Amazon EC2 - Amazon AWS, Git with Bitbucket Cloud, Bamboo, Octopus, OrientDB, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch and Redis with Linux and Windows.

Project was done for

This was the feedback I got for my two speeches.


Topic Abstract
The objective of the use of software is to continuously deliver the business value. Most companies are creating Software for one main reason - to make money. In order to make money. However, very little progress has been made in years to reduce the cost of information systems.

Companies should keep up with speed rates and changes in the digital business or revenue lose risk, decline in performance efficiency and market share. Therefore, the need of the hour is to accelerate the launch cycles while ensuring the agility to meet.

Accelerate the speed at which organizations must carry out. Launch cycles are monthly, weekly, daily or even hour; Companies like Facebook and Amazon operate at incredible speeds through hourly communications.

The role of software tester has changed. This is not the traditional "Software Tester" you thought. If you want to be on the verge of your company's software testing hierarchy, being only a software tester that creates test cases and runs; they will never make an experienced person. The first step to move away from traditional testing is that you should not be addicted just for test cases. Write test cases and run, but go a little further. People today are going beyond. They think Out of the Box. Once you start exploring more, then you become a more successful tester.

In this talk we will see how TDD and CI / CD reduce the cost of ownership and improve the time of commercialization and to satisfy the demand for faster "Product-to-Market".

I am very lucky, sincere thanks to all of you, those who helped me and also for those who gave me obstacles. Yes, obstacles helped me to make myself without giving up. Yes they made me to have a determination. I succeeded. All because of my persistence, perseverance and Lord Buddha’s and God’s grace.

I extend to all of you and the family and your associates, all the divine grace be showered upon you continuously for a very successful future.