Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Fundamental truth
To comprehend the unity of body, mind and Atma (spirit) is to realize a fundamental truth. The body is gross. The Atma is subtle. It is the mind that links the two. If the Atma is ignored, man is reduced to the level of the animal. When the body and the Atma are ignored and the mind alone is active, the humanness comes to the fore. When the body and the mind are kept out and the Atma alone is experienced, Divinity is attained. How is this to be achieved? An essential requisite is Thyaga, the spirit of sacrifice.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
With what attitude should we do service?
Daya or compassion is not mere display of kindness or sympathy to someone in distress. It calls for complete identification with the suffering experienced by another and relieving that suffering as a means of relieving the agony experienced by oneself...When any service or help is rendered to anyone, this is the spirit in which it should be done. You must feel you are helping yourself when you are helping another.
Monday, August 13, 2007
What does 'purity of mind' mean? How can we practise it?
Purity of the mind calls for total elimination of attachments and aversions from the mind. Hatred and envy should have no place...Today people are filled with hatred and envy. They cannot bear to see others happy or prosperous. This is a sign of a polluted mind. One should cultivate the large-heartedness to return good for evil and not to cause pain to anyone in any circumstance. This is a mark of a pure mind.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
1. Fault: is the failure to perform a pre-defined command, adeviation between the expected and actual behaviour (per the specification or requirements) .
2. Deficiency: is when a command execution or a justified expectation is not fulfilled accordingly.
3. A failure or an external fault is when a fault becomes visible to the user or tester.
4. An error condition - also defect or bug or internal fault - is the cause of the failure, e.g. wrongly programmed or forgotten command in the program.
5. Fault masking means that two or more error conditions apparently compensate for each other, so that a failure does not occur until one of the masking errors is corrected.
6. An error is the cause of an error condition or defect due to human action, like faulty programming by the developer.
7. Debugging is intended to localise the (internal) fault and cure the defect, testing is intended to directly and systematically discover failures (which point to defects).
2. Deficiency: is when a command execution or a justified expectation is not fulfilled accordingly.
3. A failure or an external fault is when a fault becomes visible to the user or tester.
4. An error condition - also defect or bug or internal fault - is the cause of the failure, e.g. wrongly programmed or forgotten command in the program.
5. Fault masking means that two or more error conditions apparently compensate for each other, so that a failure does not occur until one of the masking errors is corrected.
6. An error is the cause of an error condition or defect due to human action, like faulty programming by the developer.
7. Debugging is intended to localise the (internal) fault and cure the defect, testing is intended to directly and systematically discover failures (which point to defects).